Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority
August, 2017
DreamDog was recently hilighted as a Partnership Profile subject in the Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority newsletter. Read all about us…
Alexandria Gazette – Thanks to Summer Volunteers
August 12, 2016

(Photo contributed)
Despite the heat, Senior Services of Alexandria’s volunteers are out serving the community by delivering Meals on Wheels and Groceries to Go; seeing seniors every week for friendly visits; and delivering free pet food for animals of seniors in need through our “Animeals” program.
Alexandria Gazette – Living Legends of Alexandria
January 6, 2016

(Photo contributed)
“The Dream Dog story: See a Need, Create a Program!” So says, and does, Lorraine Friedman, attorney/mom/volunteer/
Books Program Exposes Kids to the Joy of Literacy
by Jane Hess Collins
September 17, 2015

Jennifer Kenealy (left) and Christopher Phillips unpack donated books at Jefferson-Houston Elementary School in Alexandria, Va. Photo: Jane Hess Collins
Some people take a fitness class before heading to work. Others jog a mile or two. Jennifer Kenealy, 45, gets her morning workout by hauling boxes of children’s books to schools,… More…
Alexandria Gazette August 26, 2015 – DreamDog Volunteers

Dreamdog Foundation and Senior Services volunteers deliver Meals on Wheels. (Photo contributed)
Alexandria: ‘Don’t Judge Me’ Music Video Promotes Tolerance
Kids Empowering Kids debuts music video
By Jeanne Theismann
July 1, 2015

Photo: Jeanne Theismann
Their voices were timid at first, but one by one students at William Ramsey Elementary School spoke up when asked how they have been judged by their friends and classmates… More…
Wonder Women: Salute to Women Awards Honors 11
By Jeanne Theismann
April 3, 2015

The 2015 Salute to Women Awards honorees include (back row from left): Zauhirah Tipu, Rebecca Nash (daughter of Laurie Meyer), Robert Nash (husband of Laurie Meyer), Ed Singer (husband of Joan Singer), Ashley McNeff Behrens, Ginny Hill-Obranovich and Valarie Wright. Front row from left: Brooksie Koopman, Lorraine Friedman, Cynthia Anderson, LaDonna Sanders and Suzanne Maxey. Photo: Jan Schrader
T.C. Williams High School principal Suzanne Maxey was one of 11 women, including three from the Alexandria City Public School system, honored March 26 at the 35th annual Salute to Women Awards… More…
Alexandria Gazette January 8th 2015 – Jazz the DreamDog

Jazz, the DreamDog Foundation mascot, visits with children at the Charles Houston Rec Center. (Photo contributed)
Alexandria Gazette January 8th 2015 – DreamDog ABS

Children from the Ruby Tucker Center read books provided by the DreamDog Foundation and Alexandria’s Book Shelf. (Photo contributed)
A Dream Come True
Alexandria Book Shelf Turns 1, dedicates MVCS location
By Jeanne Theismann
October 23, 2014

Photo: Jeanne Theismann
Summer school paid off for Mount Vernon Community School principal Peter Balas, who officially opened the newest Alexandria Book Shelf Oct. 6 as part of the DreamDog Foundation literacy program… More…
Ribbon Cutting Opens New Bookshelf Project at Mount Vernon
October 6, 2014

(Photo contributed)
Mount Vernon Community School opened its new bookshelf today with a flamboyant ribbon-cutting ceremony and a visit from DreamDog, mascot of the DreamDog… More…
Young Artists Honored
July 7, 2014

Young artists were honored at an awards and appreciation reception at City Hall on June 19. Photo Contributed. (Photo contributed)
The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority hosted an awards and appreciation reception on June 19 for youth artists and volunteers of the Youth Arts Festival in the Vola Lawson Lobby at City Hall… More…
John Adams Students Create Anti-Bullying Music Video
June 19, 2014

(Photo contributed)
Students at John Adams Elementary School wrote, produced and starred in an original music video through an experiential learning program called “Kids Empowering Kids” run by the DreamDog Foundation… More…
Conexciones Hosts Leaders Panel, Welcomes New Superintendent
April 9, 2014

(Photo contributed)
Conexciones, the Parent Engagement and Empowerment Program (PEEP) founded and run by the DreamDog Foundation at the George Washington Middle School Campus, held its first Latino Leaders Panel… More…
Alexandria’s New Book Shelf
DreamDog Foundation creates citywide literacy program
By Jeanne Theismann
January 9, 2014

Axel enjoys a stack of books he picked out from Alexandria’s Book Shelf. (Photo contributed)
Passionate about sharing the gift of reading, the DreamDog Foundation intends to get books into the hands of every child in need in the City of Alexandria through its new literacy program… More…
Conexciones Meeting Leads to Change in ACPS Menus
February 20, 2013

(Photo contributed)
The February meeting of the Conexciones Parent Engagement and Empowerment Group spotlighted nutrition issues, including healthy… More…
George Washington Parents Receive Interactive Technology Training in Spanish
October 22, 2012

(Photo contributed)
Through a collaborative effort, parents of students at the George Washington Middle School Campus recently received an hour and half of training, presented in Spanish,… More…
How Many 5th Graders Does It Take to Turn on a Light Bulb?
by Aisha Kasmir
October 12, 2012

(Photo: Aisha Kasmir)
The answer: 45 or the entire 5th grade class at Charles Barrett Elementary School. But we’re not talking about a literal light bulb – we’re talking… More…
Convoy of Hope Arrives
October 3, 2012

Volunteers fill a table with books for children passing by. Photo: Louise Krafft
Alexandria — Hundreds of volunteers arrived early at Cora Kelly Recreation Center to set up for a day free of poverty for many area residents… More…
School Daze
Overflow crowds attend first Back to School Family Night
By Jeanne Theismann
September 6, 2012

Dream Dog Foundation mascot Jazz the Dream Dog poses with director Lorraine Friedman, program participants and fans during Back to School Family Night Aug. 29 at T.C. Williams High School. Photo: Jeanne Theismann.
Alexandria — With the first day of school a week away, thousands of students, parents, teachers and community supporters converged on T.C. Williams High School Aug. 29 for the first… More…
Charles Barrett Fifth-Graders Become Published Authors
June 19, 2012

(Photo contributed)
Today, as the fifth-grade students at Charles Barrett Elementary School walked across their stage for the last time, they not only graduated from elementary school but also became published authors… More…
The DreamDog Foundation Visits The Child And Family Network Centers
August 9, 2011

Children at the Child and Family Network Centers enjoy a visit from Jazz the DreamDog. (Photo contributed)
Today over 30 CFNC children enjoyed an exciting visit from The DreamDog Foundation, an organization dedicated to empowering… More…
Rainey speaks with JC about the DreamDog Foundation’s involvement in the School Supplies 9 campaign – empowering kids with literacy through much needed book donations.
Lorraine “Rainey” Friedman, JD was selected by CBS 9 News Washington, D.C. as an outstanding contributor to the D.C. community for her work as the Executive Director of the DreamDog Foundation.